Wondering how to start eating clean? Here are 9 simple ways to start clean eating today.
If you want to improve your overall health, lose weight, and get healthier, clean eating might be your answer. The idea of clean eating can be daunting but it really isn’t as long as you know what to do. To make things simpler, here are 9 simple ways you can eat clean this week.
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1.) Drink more water
Drinking more water reduces cravings and supports healthy weight loss. Try adding fresh fruit and herbs to make your water become a detoxifying drink. Consuming water daily flushes out toxins and cleanses your body effortlessly.
2.) Eat whole foods
Whole foods form the basis of a clean eating lifestyle. Instead of eating a blueberry muffin, have steel cut oats with some blueberries for breakfast. Make sure that you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and steer clear of processed foods. You should only be eating foods with real ingredients–ingredients you recognize, can pronounce, and can actually grow or make from scratch yourself.
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3.) Load up on vegetables
Vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and provide nutrients that are vital to your health. Incorporating more vegetables into your diet will keep your gut healthy.
4.) Stop eating sugar
Cutting out sugar from your diet is one of the most important parts of living a clean lifestyle. Removing sugar from your diet will also help you burn more fat, boost your fitness, and live a healthier life.
RELATED: How to Stop Eating Sugar: 10 Tips to Ditch the Sweet Stuff
5.) Prep ahead
Planning your meals ahead of time will make eating clean a whole lot easier. If you have healthy meals ready for the week you’ll save yourself a lot of time and also be less likely to splurge on junk food.
6.) Stop eating processed foods
Processed foods are high in sugar and salt, low in whole grains and fiber, and high in unhealthy fats. Eliminate chips, candy, cookies, granola bars, frozen meals, cereals, and other foods that fall into this category. You can make a lot of these foods yourself from scratch and avoid the ingredients that are bad for your health.
7.) Say goodbye to refined carbs
If you want to eat clean, you should avoid processed grains. Refined carbs are highly processed and lack valuable nutrients and fiber our bodies need to thrive. Try sprouted grain bread and steel cut oats instead of highly processed foods like white bread.
8.) Avoid unhealthy oils and spreads
Unhealthy oils and spreads such as margarine and vegetable oil are highly processed and do not do your body any good. It is important to eat a good amount of healthy fats though, so make sure you eat foods like salmon and avocado.
9.) Eat less meat
Eating less meat can help reduce your risk of heart disease, reduce your blood pressure, and help you keep your weight in check. Plant-based diets are also low in calories and have very little saturated fat when compared to diets that include animal products.
RELATED POST: 25 Delicious Plant-Based Recipes You Need to Try Now
This post was all about the best tips to help you start clean eating.